Born in 1980 in the city of Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) in the Urals. I learned to work with threads at the age of 6 thanks to my grandmothers. In 1993, laureate of a creative competition from the Yekaterinburg City Administration.
Since 2004, the author begins to gain design and decorating experience, stylize spaces, organize the opening of restaurants, beauty salons and the creation of private interiors.
In 2016, Ulyana created the NITI brand, which was presented with knitted home decor and accessories in a unique modern three-dimensional technique.
In parallel with the opening of his own workshop in 2018, installations, panels, canvases, and sculptures with elements of knitting and threads appeared.
Active learning, participation in exhibitions, open competitions, residencies (Summer at the Factory, Morphology of the Streets), festivals (CHO, Zahodi), online galleries, and collaborations give the start to a career in contemporary art.
Volumetric dense sculptures made of threads, knitted mega installations, work with copper and other materials that can be knitted act in creativity as a logical continuation outside the plane.
In 2021, the artist became a participant in the special project of the 6th Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art and a member of the Union of Russian Artists.
Resident of the galleries Textilgallery (Moscow), Atmosphere (Ekaterinburg), Saachiart (USA), Singularart (France).
His works are stored in private and corporate collections in Russia, France, Switzerland, and Turkey. Including FRIMPEKS TR and MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.), Energogarant Insurance Company.
My ancestors (blacksmiths, weavers, spinners) seem to have passed on craft skills to me, which I turn into art. It's like the evolution of memory, the interpenetration of past and present.
In my work I use materials that can be woven, belong to a place or can convey a story. For example, flax and copper are traditional for the Urals and reflect reality well. I use their symbiosis and rupture to search for new meanings. This is the foundation for rethinking the Ural identity of women's craft as art.
Creating works from “threads” is like feeling life through actions. I am a tactile artist, so my works contain a mixture of techniques and materials. They are about new aestheticism and new materiality. I'm interested in material in the process of transformation. I address the material itself through tactility, and the problems of creative transformation of the material through aesthetics.
My works connect our origins with a new reality. They have no obligations. They provide food for thought and force one to turn to the sense of tradition
Rozina Uliana
2023 Project METAMORPHOSA SENSA Moscow, group exhibition Platform Form
2023Sculptural installation Public art object “SCAM”, Public art project “CHO” Yekaterinburg
2023 Installation “VIT”, International Arts Festival “Arcadia” named after Arkady Plastov, Ulyanovsk
2023 Installation “Flower garden on Sadovaya Street”, public art program “Street Morphology”, Tyumen
2023 Art performance and lecture “RE-art”, LIFE FEST from “Life March”, Yekaterinburg
2023 Installation “Green Flag of the Town” Festival “Come in”, Yekaterinburg
2023 Installation and art performance “Along the I-network” Public art project “CHO” Yekaterinburg
2022 Christmas exhibition at the Union of Artists of Russia, Yekaterinburg
2022 Art residence “Summer at the factory”, Sysert. Installation “Roots of Traditions”
2022 Vernissage in the workshop ROZINAULIANA.ART “Touch”
2022 RUSARTEXPO2021 Russia-China sister cities. Online exposition.
2022 Group exhibition. Museum of Architecture and Design, UrGHA, Yekaterinburg
2022 Museum of Architecture and Design of the Ural State Academy of Art, Yekaterinburg Group exhibition “The Rite of Spring” in memory of Gevork Gevorkyan
2021 6th Ural Biennale of Contemporary Art, Special project "Hug and Cry", Yekaterinburg
2021 Personal exposition "PASTEL" in the VSetyah media space, Yekaterinburg
2021 Union of Russian Artists. Ural branch. Online exhibition Ural Symphony "www.cpx-ural.ru
2021 Works are presented on the international online platform SINGULART
2020 Installation-statement within the framework of the permanent exhibition Art of the Urals: Interweaving of Communities, Sinara Art Gallery, Yekaterinburg
2020 Portfolio review NCCA Yekaterinburg
2020 Works are presented on the international online platform SAATCHI ART
2020 Works are presented in the ArtOnline24 gallery, Moscow
2020 online group exhibition Art Rigamall "Art without Borders", Moscow
2020 online group exhibition Askery Gallery Moscow
2020 Individual online exhibition W&P Gallery, Moscow
2020 Art Museum of Waste "MU MU" (work for the museum), Moscow
2020 Portfolio review with Daria Blienko, Kiev
2020 Art platform Art Residency St. Petersburg
2020 group exhibition POST \ TRUISM Moscow
2020 individual exhibition in the space "Alternative Aveda", Yekaterinburg
2019 Collaboration "Connections" and an exhibition at the International Center for Arts "Glavny Prospekt", Yekaterinburg.
2019 exhibition-competition Salone Sattelite 2019 from Salone del Mobile Moscow 2019 Moscow
2018 Workshop opening in Yekaterinburg
2016-2018 activity in the field of DPI
2018 г. ARTMOSFERE “The Art Perspective” #15,16,17,18
2019 г. ARTMOSFERE “The Art Perspective” #20
2019 г. Salonesatellite-moscow-award-2019
2019 г. VOGUE Gold
2019 г. https://vsetyah.ru/uralskie-hudozhnicy-uchastvuyut-v-vystavke-salone-del-mobile-milano-moscow/
2019 г. HAPPY fashion culture magazine
2020 https://t.me/ekatharsis/3262 https://t.me/ekatharsis/3263
2020 https://www.saatchiart.com/rozinaulianaart
2020 г. https://vsetyah.ru/v-sinara-centre-otkrylas-vystavka-rabot-uralskix-xudozhnikov/
2020 https://sinara-center.com/report/v-galeree-sinara-art-otkrylas-postoyannaya-ekspozitsiya-iskusstvo-urala-spletenie-soobshchestv-vvede/
2021 https://t.me/ekatharsis/4174
2021 https://cpx-ural.ru/archives/221
2021 https://www.singulart.com/en/artist/uliana-rozina-27845?previewToken=ogHizjAOwgt49xfypXrrLuCh-HNQVu5BZXSgQ96_oQM%3D.eyJpZCI6Mjc4NDV9
2021 https://vsetyah.ru/redakciya-vsetyah-predstavlyaet-vystavku-ulyany-rozinoj/
2021 https://sinara-center.com/affiche/obnyat-i-plakat/
2022 It`s My City - News from Yekaterinburg, Russia and the world
2023 https://momenty.org/city/20807?fbclid=PAAaaU61lRTLnTuYGzB2hVUtTJv_ejC5nTk0P-EQCLmhNPre5bwCizHEZOzAo
2023 https://tass-ru.turbopages.org/tass.ru/s/kultura/18540251
2023 https://obdn.ru/articles/kto-eto-pridumal-i-kak-eto-rabotaet-morfologia-ulits